Remote access to e-resources

Employees, students, doctoral students and post-graduate students of UTP can use licensed databases, electronic magazines and e-books remotely (computers from outside the university network) via the HAN.

E-resources are available only to authorized users (UTP students and staff), who possess a valid library account.
To log in the library account enter:

  • login: the library card number or the electronic ID student card number
  • password: password to the library account.

Regarding the validity of the library account, please contact the Lending Room: phone 52 340-8072,

Title Subject Type of resource
ACS Publications chemistry e-journals
AIP / APS physics e-journals
EBSCOhost interdisciplinary bibliographic and full-text databases
IBUK Libra interdisciplinary e-books
IEEE Xplore Digital Library electronics engineering, telecommunications, computing full-text database
InCites interdisciplinary bibliometric tool
Baza dostępna tylko dla WTiICH
chemistry and engineering e-books
NASBI computing e-books
Nature interdisciplinary e-journals
Reaxys chemistry bibliographic and abstract database
Science interdyscyplinarny e-journals
Science Direct interdisciplinary e-journals
SciVal interdisciplinary bibliometric tool
Scopus interdisciplinary abstract and citation database
SpringerLink interdisciplinary e-journals
Web of Science interdisciplinary abstract and citation database
Wiley Online Library interdisciplinary e-journals

Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology
Main Library
Al. prof. S. Kaliskiego 7
85-796 Bydgoszcz
phone +48 52 340-8056, +48 52 340-8063